Whenever and wherever you travel, we’re here for you. From our loyalty program to giving back to our communities, you can trust that Home Hotels by d3h™ has plenty of advantages to keep you sleeping well at night.
This popular rewards program ensures that monies are only paid when rewards are redeemed and not when awarding points. This puts more money back in your pocket.
Home Hotels is committed to active involvement in the local communities around our hotels and corporate office. Our community investment aims to support efforts that represent our Vision & Values and make a positive difference to the communities in which we operate.
At Home Hotels, we’re committed to creating a sustainable and responsible business that our guests and employees can feel good about.
Every bathroom features Bath & Body Works shampoo and conditioner dispensers, so there is no waste of small plastic bottles. Plus, you never run out!
Our breakfast buffets use real china, cutlery, and cups, not disposable papers or plastics.
We make it easier than ever to recycle with a bin in every room for our guests’ convenience.
Low-flow bathroom amenities decrease water consumption by 40% or more, making them the most environmentally conscious decision for our hotels.
We conserve water and cleaning supplies by laundering your towels and bedding and doing daily housekeeping only when you need it.
One of the ways we give back to our communities is by encouraging local sourcing. We serve coffee that is locally roasted in Saskatchewan and freshly ground every day at our hotels.
Give the gift of Home Hotels by d3h™ to loved ones, friends, or colleagues. Created to surpass even the highest expectations, our gift cards offer the opportunity to discover a memorable experience at Home Hotels by d3h™. Our gift cards are redeemable for overnight stays at any of our locations in Alberta and Saskatchewan.