Each section or family of instruments in an orchestra is led by a Principal Musician or first chair. Twelve of these musicians perform as the Regina Symphony Chamber Players, also known as the Core or RSCP. They perform in all of our mainstage performances as part of the orchestra, taking the spotlight as solo performers when needed and work together on choosing music for chamber concerts. When not playing with the RSO, these musicians are teachers, composers and performers who have made Regina the home base for themselves and their families.
RAVEL String Quartet in F Major I. Allegro moderato – très doux II. Assez vif – très rythmé III. Très lent IV. Vif et agité
WIANCKO Cities of Air
MORRIS Brushstrokes I. Monet II. Seurat III. Van Gogh IV. Pollock
SAPIEYEVSKI Arioso for Trumpet and Woodwind Quintet
STRAUSS / arr. Franz Hasenohrl Till Eulenspiegel Einmal Anders